Older Articles
To read my most recent articles, go to the Home page:
Seven Steps to World Peace--July 30, 2017
World Betterment Begins with Workplace Democracy (published at OpEdNews.com on April 23, 2017)
The Modern Distinction between Capitalism and Socialism-- (published at OpEdNews.com on April 23, 2017)
https://www.opednews.com/articles/Why-the-Rich-Can-and-Shoul-by-Roger-Copple-Corporations_Economics_Future_Government-170331-490.html I provided the written transcription for this updated video of Professor Richard D. Wolff: "Why the Rich Can and Should Pay More in Taxes"
https://www.opednews.com/articles/Veganism-Why-Doctors-Don-by-Roger-Copple-Capitalism_Documentaries_Lifestyle_Vegan-170312-196.html Veganism: Why Doctors Don't Recommend It
Capitalism, Imperialism, and the Lies of Western Culture--December 4, 2016 This article was published at OpEdNews.com and IntrepidReport.com. It has been revised here since then.
Let's Remake Society--May 8, 2016 This book was published as five separate articles at OpEdNews.com
http://www.opednews.com/articles/Living-in-an-Age-of-Donald-by-Roger-Copple-Bottom-up_Equal_Parties_Revolution-160319-116.html Living in an Age of Donald Trump, David Icke, and David Duke--March 19, 2016
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZIC0Ibu5lY Earthlings--full length documentary about animal cruelty in the meat industry--very graphic scenes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es6U00LMmC4 Gary Yourofsky's speech about how our culture treats animals and why veganism is good
My Brief Worldview and Policy Recommendations--February 16, 2016
Bernie for President--A Plan for Posterity--May 28, 2015
Social Transformation through Meditation--May 28, 2015
A New Cold War About to Begin--February 8, 2015
From GNP to Gross International Happiness--September 15, 2014
Still Longing for Peace on Earth--August 19, 2014
Let's Revise Article V--July 28, 2014
Third Constitution of the United States--May 8, 2016
Third Constitution of the United States--August 4, 2014
Twenty-Eighth Amendment Proposal to Revise Article V--July-28-2014
Online References Related to Still Longing for Peace on Earth--August 14, 2014
Online References that Support the 26 Changes that the Third Constitution Recommends--August 2, 2014